Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wednesday (posted late) - "Elizabeth"

Thanks, Matt for running the show yesterday while I was out. I don't have results, but Matt tells me that participation was high.

21-15-9 reps of:

Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Big Dawgs: As Rx'd Women 95#
Pack: scale the weight to 95-115# for men 55-75 for women
If you can't do ring dips do 2X the bar dips

Puppies: 21-15-9
Dumbbell cleans
Bar Dips
If you can't do do bar dips do 1.5X the number bench dips.

Buttercups: 15-12-9
Dumbbell cleans
Bench Dips

If you want to add something afterward you could try running mile as fast as you can OR you can try rowing 2500 meters as fast as you can.

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