Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday - "Sean"


For Time:
Run the Sean 400 meter (which means 800 meters.)
50 wall ball shots
50 push ups
50 kettlebell swings
50 box jumps
50 double unders/tuck jumps (or 250 singles)


Scale weight appropriately. People with back problems sub or skip the DB swings.


"Sean was an avid CrossFitter and as team leader of the Des Moines PD Metro S.T.A.R. Tactical Unit, Sean had used CrossFit as a PT standard with his team. One of the jokes that goes about Sean was that he had measured out 400 meters in one direction to do a 400 meter run but made his guys run there and back making it 800 meters. They call it the "Sean 400". He was notorious for his boistrous laugh. Sean was a very tall lean fit guy. He had just helped us arrest numerous suspects the night before he was killed."

-Tim and Angie Starmer, CrossFit IOWA

Tim and Angie and the folks at CrossFit IOWA created this workout in Sean's honor.

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